Our Belief In Scripture
The Bible, Old and New Testaments, is the inspired and infallible Word of God. As such, it is the final authority in our Faith and Life. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Our Belief In God
There is one living and true God. He is eternal, existing in three equal and distinct persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God the Father is the infinite, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power and love. He hears prayers, answers prayers, and saves all who come to Him through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ, is the eternal Son of God. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, He was born to the Virgin Mary; fully man and fully God. He lived a sinless life, died for our sins on the Cross, and 3 days later, rose again. Now He sits at the right Hand of God the Father interceding for us.
The Holy Spirit is the personal Spirit of God. He convicts us of sin, teaches us divine truth, brings us to salvation, and empowers us to fulfill all of God's commands and purposes in our lives.
Our Belief In Baptism
We believe in full immersion baptism, as the first act of obedience for every believer. It is the opportunity to publicly identify ourselves with death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Followed by the gifts and Fruits of the Spirit to follow.